Pirates Without Borders
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Stiegers law???

Doug · 8 · 20957


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Ernest will have to correct me, but let me see if I can form the right question.

If, stiegers law, says something like; once a group is created around a principle, eventually, the welfare of the group will supercede the principle for which it was started.

If I got that right, couldn't this also be applied to money?

So, if that is also correct. Why would we still want money?


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »

Eduardo Blomar 1679

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We have a Pirate Code which I will Hold Sacred. I'm sure I share that with other Pirates present. That is the Great Hope that brought me here.


Those that walk this land we stand on also have a code. Had the Representatives of The People of the land stayed within the bounds of that code, things would be much different right now.

"The Congress shall have Power To... coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;"

later on:

"No State shall... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts"

Gold and silver coin is money.

You and I both harbor the desire to think of 'money' as described above, but it is not like that today, my friend. What you have in your wallet is the accepted medium of exchange of today, yet sadly it is a tenuous acceptance that decays daily.

It is fiat paper, and we don't want it.

Take heart though, many a Pirate are now in the process of melting down their gold and silver, and pouring Jolly Roger Pieces of Eight! If enough of them be poured and introduced amongst the Land-Lubbers, we can help the BitCurrency Movement displace fiat paper through widespread acceptance and use.

It can and IS being done.  It will just take time (and more metal).

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »


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I don't harbor any desires other than to actually start talking about all the affects of money, not just the ones wanting to be used to mold a crypto-currency.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »

Woodchuck Pirate

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Quote from: Doug post_id=85 time=1508765666 user_id=56

I don't harbor any desires other than to actually start talking about all the affects of money, not just the ones wanting to be used to mold a crypto-currency.

"Freedom isn't for all men, it's only for those who seek it. " - Ayn Rand

Have you stated that you harbor no desire for freedom?  If so perhaps the mystery of your rhetoric about "fighting" weakens.  Do you know the difference between sophistry and philosophy?  Ayn Rand stated that "no valid philosophy can't be practiced to the nth degree" and then embraced the mixed economy model which she identified correctly as "socialism not capitalism", and then further devolved to collect social security.  Such is the mark of sophistry, not philosophy.  Do you wish to share the "talk" of sophistry or share the "dialogue" of philosophy?  I only have time for the latter.  Minarchism is not founded in valid philosophy, rather it clings to a rotten foundation namely the cult of statism.  All statist positions are cowardice.  Do the affects/effects of money you wish to talk about translate to the cowardice of statists?  If so perhaps you may consider the USA role in Ukraine, with an eye toward the non-elected committee members (including Joe Biden's son in charge of fracking in Ukraine) running Ukraine, especially given the indictment against Gates and Manafort this morning.  Oh, be sure not to neglect making inquiry on "Right Sector" aggression.  If any of this wets your appetite, perhaps you might spin up a copy of Amebix "Sonic Mass" to solidify the reality against knee-jerk entertainment request dysfunction of ego.  Works for me.  But then, I'm committed to the pursuit of infinite truth.  

By the way, I hate that word "we".  Anarcho-capitalism or else.  You already have the "else".  

Enjoy your day.  

Woodchuck Pirate

aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »


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I know of all those words.

I am trying to read lots of words and process what i can.

I know we can fit things into boxes, based of what so-and-so said.

I am trying to do some of that, but mostly what i am trying to do, is interact with reality as honestly as i can, for what ever that is worth to you. I am still working on how to better convey that.

What i do know, thus far. The more i build systems to replace money, the more i learn about myself and the world around me.

I am not trying to say if that is good or bad. Just what i have noticed. And that it seems to be missing, when talking about money.

I am wondering if we can transmute these ideas into something different.

Something that doesn't fit the definition of what we have now.

Language is magical. I am still learning of its powers. But those powers seems to just be used against me, whenever i don't know why i am doing what i am doing. Whenever my actions are governed by autopilot. I am really trying to turn off the autopilot so i can fix my pattern recognition skills and create new habits.

So i don't have a fancy identification idea, to tell people to run towards.

Honesty. Probably to much of a worn out word, for most, but it's the rock i lean on, or it's the bat that hits me upside my head, when i don't pay attention.

I don't think we are going to find what we need, among the definitions that already exist.

I also figure, if i write what i do and the worst thing someone does is tell me i am crazy, maybe they leave something for me to reflect upon. Or, at best, we start having crazy conversations!! Hahaha


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »

Woodchuck Pirate

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Here is an example of purpose fixation.  


Being that I choose to live straight edge, no tobacco, no alcohol, no drugs, in chronic daily pain, performing heavy physical labor daily to avoid atrophy, I don't see common ground in rhetoric of "magical, autopilot, transmute, crazy etc."  Nod to me when you get serious.  

Enjoy your day.  

Woodchuck Pirate

aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Dang it. I will try and nod...did you see??

I will look up what, purpose fixation, is and try to nod again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Well, i can see you are a fan of this group. I read the lyrics. He said, dang, again!! Haha.

I am not sure what you are trying to tell me with these songs.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »