Pirates Without Borders
Anarchy is only 62 miles away!

bitcoin anarchist programming pirate

spayse · 2 · 7012


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hello im a blockchain developer. How can I contribute? please contact  spayse@spayseghost.com  Have a great day!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »

Ernest Hancock

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Spayse, You can see that in the 2nd Letter of Marque we have set a criteria for the endorsement of "Pirate Crypto". I'll be speaking at the Nexus Earth Conference in Aspen Sept 21st-23rd and promoting this standard for Crypto. Any comments on this subject would be useful. If we can't get all of the promises of crypto with any of the current offerings then we'll promote the development of a true Pirate Coin etc.

We are just starting the use of the forum and working out bugs now. Any input is appreciated as we develop the site... organically.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »