Pirates Without Borders
Anarchy is only 62 miles away!


Doug · 2 · 10360


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Is that a real thing? Do they really make over $27,000/month?

So what if we learned to solve our problems, without money, could we make a podcast for less than $27000/month ?

Is money really, freeing, in the long run?



Freedom is the effect. Are you the cause?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »


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James Corbett makes something like, $3,200 a month on Patreon. Good for him, but what to do with that money? Do you keep spending more money for better content? Do you spend that money getting your power, off grid, or any other things to help bring down the amount of, bills, one might have?

oh, your attacking, James.

Nope. I am not.

I also wonder how long Patreon will show how much a person is getting a month.



Freedom is the effect. Are you the cause?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »