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"Manuscrito, Por Favor?" by Vin Sniveltwitcz

Davi · 3 · 19005


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"Honest communication is the seed of civilized conduct. It enables social entanglements without violence. It's essential to every need, every dispute, every trade and every project between members of sentient life. Without it only savagery is possible."

https://scontent.fphx1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/68616006_10156477442705796_5083117949712072704_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_eui2=AeHcG8bNOcst2gpJZmzWgh1Pxeav_swQHj1ihN-ClR977yuRUJNRblQ7OjKAqZaxRPYOz5MnzCGn5j0h4Q8zHyH8uMQzFH1axYkHYt3oFvjPqg&_nc_oc=AQkwMJwYwwALRYvNCAjv_CBW1_Z_Kqk47Ozhffyj2V-Yhv00eIYeON-HjzznadZBQZc&_nc_ht=scontent.fphx1-1.fna&oh=c15d9e1097b4506fc36034b7201bc254&oe=5DC9EAF5" alt="" class="bbc_img" />
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Let's talk about exposing the lies.

This Vin Sniveltwitcs guy came on Ernie's show to talk about conservative stuff. About how he used to be a libertarian, but now he's a trumper because.... Mexicans. But there was a specific claim he made, that I called out as a lie, which got my mic turned off. So, I left the show.

That claim was, "No, American families are not living in ‘fear and terror'." Because he still sees them standing outside his hardware store, and they get deported and they come right back. See, they're not afraid. And besides, there's Polish illegal immigrants and he's Polish, and he's not afraid, so what do legal Hispanic Americans have to fear?

That's just not true. A lot Hispanic Americans who are terrified. There are raids going on in this country where they just throw a wide net over Hispanic people, drag them away from their children, and sort out their citizenship status later. Nothing to be afraid of? There was a guy, an American citizen born in Michigan, who didn't have his papers on him, so they deported him to Iraq and he died. Nothing to be afraid of?

I went ahead and did an after show with this guy. He started off totally belligerent, but we talked him down to a kind of meeting of the minds. But most importantly, on top of all the embarrassing things he said, he conceded that I was correct. That some Hispanic Americans... legal American citizens of American decent, have perfectly reasonable fears about ICE. He even admitted that white people and people of color experience different treatment from police, and that results in reasonable fears. We even ended with an interesting proposal to solve his xenophobia induced immigration hysteria that he surprisingly agreed with. See? civil discourse works! Reasonable people with reasonable disagreements can have reasonable discussions and come to reasonable conclusions. Hooray for Western Civilization (which is neither)!

However, mere hours later Vin Sniveltwitcz posted a meandering rant on his website titled "Traiters, Murders and Scum." in which he didn't address me by name, but instead addressed all "sniveling twits," an insult he used against me on both our radio encounters. He begins, "There apparently persists a dwindling cadre of sniveling twits who know little and care less about the real world — the kind of self-satisfied sucklings who still live in mom’s basement, wear pocket protectors, and attend Libertarian meetings on Friday evenings because they can’t get a date – who argue Open Borders are great"

The thing is... my mom doesn't have a basement because she died of cancer last year. And I moved out of her house when I was 17. And I've never owned a pocket protector. And I bring dates to libertarian meetings so I have someone to dip out with when shit gets boring... so... Vin's attachment to the truth is pretty tenuous.

Go through his rant and you'll discover numerous claims that I said things I didn't say. In fact they are often things I specifically said I wasn't saying. But more importantly you'll find him making that same original claim: That American Hispanics have nothing to fear, and if they say they do they're lying.

So, to be clear, he makes a claim, then he engages in a debate where he concedes the claim is false and leaves on good terms, then he goes on making the false claim while backbiting other person in the most cowardly fashion.

Pirates are smart. I'm sure you all see what I was up to in this debate. I knew I was going to be taking these slings and arrows. I was just keeping calm and allowing Vin to reveal himself. Which he totally did. He's a fascist. He readily admits American authoritarianism has gone too far, but also that he wants it to go further to enforce these immigration laws with a "papers please" society.

I actually see a kind of providence in what's going on here. Because the next pirate letter we're working on is about reputation and credibility. Vin has revealed himself as a liar and a coward, to which I can only quote Reprisal, "Honest communication is the seed of civilized conduct. It enables social entanglements without violence. It's essential to every need, every dispute, every trade and every project between members of sentient life. Without it only savagery is possible." Vin has earned a reputation as a dishonest scoundrel, so only savagery is possible... verbal savagery. We're watching pirate reputation play out right in front of us.

So, I just want to be perfectly clear. Vin Sniveltwitcs is not allowed on my ship.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Nor will he be allowed in my bilge.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »