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Reputation Research

Davi · 3 · 25156


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Anyone out there know of some good literature on the subject of reputation. All the libertarians and market anarchists just keep quoting Rothbard at me, who basically just asserts reputation as a cure-all for lots of government functions from certifications to elections. Seems painfully incomplete. Anthropologists have a lot to say, but mostly about tribal societies, and sometimes about political capital. I can't seem to find any left anarchists writing on the subject, but I feel like they'd probably have the best material, since reputation is fundamentally a social phenomenon, not a capital one. Any tips in the comments appreciated.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Reputation Markets: Reality, Dangers, and Possibility

by Emmi Bevensee

Trust is the backbone of not just economies, but also the social fabric more broadly. With it, new worlds are possible, and without it, collapse is inevitable.

Trust is built on dynamic and complexly layered reputations. We each have our own methods of building trust, and different communities have their own systems for developing reputation. Mana in Maori culture maps and flows differently than social capital in western activist scenes, but they all point to the meaty question of how we can engage more deeply with each other. A healthy reputation system allows for these diverse and dynamic ecosystems to consensually co-mingle.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »


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