Pirates Without Borders
Anarchy is only 62 miles away!

Pirate Money?

Doug · 2 · 8193


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From the second letter of Capt. Marque:

  " Now, the Crown uses digital currency as a new tool of predation, granting it unprecedented power to surveil, censor, seize and destroy our wealth at will. "

YES!!! Indeed it does.

It matters not, what form you want to conjure up money in,it will always shackle you to a State. A State of Being...that you can't be responsible for, thus continuing the same revolution. I thought we wanted to break free??? Why is Government bad, but money ok? We really can't imagine any other way?

But... hey! Screw you, you big commie jerk, you say. Fair enough, I may be, but I know I don't want to get a job so I can buy your shit, haha...and I won't let you make me! I want to be responsible for my own happiness. Let me say that again...I...I...I........I want to be responsible for my own happiness. Can I do that? And ALL....yes...ALL the hard work that comes with that.

As I work to break the shackles of the crown, I am not looking to trade those shackles for new shiny ones!

I can't buy food...darn. Well, nature provides for you. It only cost time and attention. In fact, as I work towards not using money, I find that the more systems I build...garden....solar...rain water...the more knowledge I gain, to have the wisdom to solve more problems.

But who will build the roads, if we don't have money? I thought where we were going, there aren't any roads!!!

Are people really, anti-intellectual property? If they are, why do they still want money? I don't want to buy your idea, I want to add it with mine and build it myself and reshare the idea.

If you are still reading this,your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »


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NO!NO! NO... NO.  NO!!!!!

UGH... I can't believe people who hate paper work, STILL WANT FREAKIN MONEY!!!


Did y'all read all that shit up there???

Good...I didn't either.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »