Pirates Without Borders
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Communication / Re: Fourth Letter of Reprisal - Draft
« Last post by Spartacus on September 20, 2019, 07:56:55 AM »
I'm not sure but I maybe posted this in the wrong thread?
Promenade / Re: SPAM! SPAM! SPAM!
« Last post by Spartacus on September 19, 2019, 03:29:40 PM »
I get your point, but he doesn't vet people he simply uses that as a tool to prevent bots.  It seems to work although perhaps some will self sensor by not choosing to send an email request for access.
Communication / Re: Fourth Letter of Reprisal - Draft
« Last post by Spartacus on September 19, 2019, 02:43:22 PM »
Okay, my comments.  First off let me say that I find this whole pirate theme kind of hokey and stupid.  I don't mean to be insulting with that statement, that's just my opinion.  I'd much rather simply discuss philosophy and practicality without the cartoon characters.

That said, the last sentence in your piece is a contradiction in terms as I think I may have already pointed out.  If there is an immutable database of everyone's mistakes and foibles, good deeds and heroics, then it will be available to all and sundry at some point as the ability to see inside of the minds of others is an impossibility, at least at present, and if we had that capability then this database of individuals proclivities would be redundant.   The idea of a con(fidence) game is based upon the ability of some to fool and take advantage of others.  Any reputation system which attempts to retain privacy will fail due to those con artists who can game the system and trust of others in order to gain personal advantage, and once that former private information has been breached there will be no putting it back in the bottle.

As has been said, the only antidote to bad speech is more speech.  All must be open to all and unfortunately that means the sociopaths in power will have access as well.   Of course that also means that we'll be privy to the attempted secrets of said sociopaths as well, the better to inform our choices and decisions.

Trust must therefore be an individual responsibility and that means that the gullible, lazy and mentally inferior are likely to be taken advantage of.   What's the other option, a priesthood of specialists?  We know where that goes, the sociopaths will rule the roost as is the current reality.

As I see it the only choice is greater availability of information from which we must all individually take responsibility for deciding our own sense of trust.  And we will fail at times.  That's the only way anyone ever learns anything.   As has been said,  "Utopia is not an option."
Promenade / Re: SPAM! SPAM! SPAM!
« Last post by Davi on September 18, 2019, 11:32:43 AM »
Quote from: Spartacus post_id=8870 time=1568746945 user_id=1010

Marc Stevens handles it by having everyone email him to request a user name for access before they can post.

That's how you build an echo chamber. I'm trying to build a resonance generator.
Declare Your Independence / Re: Reputation - psychopaths & true believers
« Last post by Spartacus on September 17, 2019, 12:26:23 PM »
I'm not sure I can contribute much but I'm happy to engage in discussion.  If you wanna do it privately you know where I live.
Promenade / Re: New user here
« Last post by Spartacus on September 17, 2019, 12:07:54 PM »
Welcome from me as well.  I'd caution you to be circumspect about Adam K.  Many feel they've been burned by him.
Promenade / Re: SPAM! SPAM! SPAM!
« Last post by Spartacus on September 17, 2019, 12:02:25 PM »
Marc Stevens handles it by having everyone email him to request a user name for access before they can post.
Design / Re: Building Structure/Frame
« Last post by cameron on September 16, 2019, 07:35:10 PM »
I can't imagine a graphene air bag that can hold a vacuum. Vacuum containers are heavy.

Why didn't this tanker car float? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM-k1zofs58

(Full episode https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxRY4DO4-dwo_NJVkXKxnv5e6aDE9umHQ )

Helium is 0.18 grams per liter.

Hydrogen is 0.09 grams per liter.

I think a positive pressure balloon is much easier & lighter than building a vacuum container to get down to 0.00 grams per liter.

Balloons already exist.
Promenade / Re: Bogg (Cosmic seeds)
« Last post by cameron on September 16, 2019, 05:26:24 PM »
The first thing to pop into my head for Cognito Blueberry were the creatures from X-Files - Detour. Not plant people, but camouflaged/invisible people who looked organic.

Features / Re: Subsystems
« Last post by Ernest Hancock on September 16, 2019, 10:19:35 AM »

New materials allow for laminated Glass/Graphene plating that can be

produced into large panels. This allows for camouflage, color changes,

transparency (Wonder Woman's "invisible" plane (change color scheme


This also helps AI Designed Stucture


The top link is to a Tesla explanation of how the Glass Roof of a Model

3 is stronger than any other roof.

Seriously,... the Transparent parts of the ship may be the strongest part.

Just wanted to get these facts into the mix as we get to the Structure.

The Graphene Air bags could be attached to the infrastructure so that

instead of pressurized Hydrogen/Helium... all of the gas is pumped out

so that there is a vacuum... = NO Gas.

So instead of bulging out it would be drawn in from attachment points

(this was first suggested by Colin Cantrell with the shell of the ship

being the sealed containment for evacuating all of the gas molecules.

What is also interesting is that this 'Pulling in' would compress the

structure by the pulling of the vacuum (in Atmosphere)

Something to think about as we move forward.

