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Messages - Eduardo Blomar 1679

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Promenade / Re: The Pirate Code
« on: November 23, 2017, 07:10:55 AM »

We have Codes for the same reason we have Flags, sir.

It is simply an issue of Trust.

E. B. 1679

Promenade / Re: The Pirate Code
« on: November 21, 2017, 11:28:33 AM »
Why have a Code at all, Doug?

Or is that 'silly' also?

Your attitude is why TAXATION is in the U. S. Constitution (which I never would have signed to begin with after reading it.)

E. B. 1679

Promenade / Re: Every kid knows...
« on: November 21, 2017, 11:23:24 AM »
Being a sickly child, I could not run and play with the other children of my village.  My Sainted Mother (God Rest Her Soul) worked for a learned man, and was allowed to borrow books, from which she taught me to read and write long before those outside at play.

Through reading I became wise in the ways of the world at an extremely young age, and understood the meaning of 'value' and the different methods of expressing and exchanging it.

Everything is based on 'trust'.

When I had overcome my malady, I had no desire for childish pursuits.

On the merit of my own hard work, I was able to accumulate enough wealth to purchase my own ship, and become one of the youngest Captains the world has ever seen.  

No matter what new form 'currency' (that which is currently being used as a medium of exchange) may take, the transaction will ALWAYS be dependent upon the trust each participant holds for both value of the exchange, and the reputation of the exchangers.

Eduardo Blomar 1679

Promenade / Re: The Pirate Code
« on: November 21, 2017, 10:45:30 AM »
Thank you Davi, for an intelligent response (for a change).

I contend that Property Rights are no less sacred than those of Life and Liberty.

As written, The Code states that Crew have the same 'rights' as Captains.

I disagree.

NO Crew member has a RIGHT to be on my boat EXCEPT BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT WITH ME.


As a Captain I am offended by this portion of The Code, and will argue for either it's removal, or the addition of a Caveat expressing this Sole Right of Expulsion into The Code.  That is why I began this thread. I hope to hear from others on this (in my view) important matter.

So far, only those who have no desire to be a Captain have commented, and have little regard for the matter. Are there any other Captains out there that have an opinion?


Eduardo Blomar



(and yes, I understand all the implications of being a disreputable leader, but they are of no consequence to An Honest Captain. As long as one's Word is kept, only Treachery can take his ship).

Promenade / Re: The Pirate Code
« on: October 30, 2017, 09:50:02 AM »
The 'evidence' of The Code shows itself with there being three distinct classes of individuals:




A pirate is one who has no commitment on board ship, be they Passenger or Marauder.

Crew are those who have committed themselves into a voluntary agreement with a Captain, who owns the ship.

Captains are committed to the welfare of their Passengers and Crew.


Is Dereliction of Duty considered an 'act of aggression'?


Declare Your Independence / Re: Stiegers law???
« on: October 22, 2017, 10:01:59 AM »
We have a Pirate Code which I will Hold Sacred. I'm sure I share that with other Pirates present. That is the Great Hope that brought me here.


Those that walk this land we stand on also have a code. Had the Representatives of The People of the land stayed within the bounds of that code, things would be much different right now.

"The Congress shall have Power To... coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;"

later on:

"No State shall... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts"

Gold and silver coin is money.

You and I both harbor the desire to think of 'money' as described above, but it is not like that today, my friend. What you have in your wallet is the accepted medium of exchange of today, yet sadly it is a tenuous acceptance that decays daily.

It is fiat paper, and we don't want it.

Take heart though, many a Pirate are now in the process of melting down their gold and silver, and pouring Jolly Roger Pieces of Eight! If enough of them be poured and introduced amongst the Land-Lubbers, we can help the BitCurrency Movement displace fiat paper through widespread acceptance and use.

It can and IS being done.  It will just take time (and more metal).


Promenade / Re: Silly question...
« on: October 22, 2017, 09:05:36 AM »
'Habits' come in five varieties:




Acquired Habits

Ingrained Habits

Tells are subconscious.

Affectations are what pleases us individually.

Intentions are what we do on purpose every time which we believe is right so as to 'plant knowledge to grow wisdom'.

Acquired Habits can be intentional or subconscious, but come from repetitive action when an instance reoccurs.

Ingrained Habits are those which become reflex; only too often this is where the Seeds of Our Own Destruction are sown.

'Money' affects our habits in direct proportion to the importance we allow it to have in our individual lives.

Positive habits generate good feelings and positive feedback from the World around us. Bad habits lead down dark paths. Self-awareness can be rewarding or full of denial - it all depends on the person.


Communication / Re: What is money?
« on: October 20, 2017, 12:41:28 PM »
Money, my friend, is "Recognized Value at the Time of Transaction".

Nothing more.

Anything can be used to acquire any other thing, be it sheep, metal, or paper with writing on it.


A cypher.

A kiss.

Agreement is the only need.

Caveat Emptor.


Promenade / Re: The Pirate Code
« on: October 20, 2017, 11:35:37 AM »
I contend that a Captain has the right to give the old heave-ho to any Crewman, and no Crewman has the right to remove a Captain from his boat. Number five of the Code does not account for this exception, and I am bringing this discrepancy up in the forum here before I put out a call for others to sail with me.


Eduardo Blomar 1679


Promenade / The Pirate Code
« on: October 01, 2017, 10:58:38 AM »
I, Eduardo Blomar, would like to discuss an issue I have that concerns me regarding The Pirate Code:

First, a pirate is the sole authority over their own life, and may not be crimped into service.

Second, duties are created by consent. Claims of obligation without consent are invalid.

Third, no pirate, nor crew, however commissioned, may initiate hostilities against any other.

Fourth, a pirate may, without permission or rank, defend themselves against any hostile party.

Fifth, no captain, nor crew can possess rights exceeding or violating those of an individual pirate.

Everything is not only acceptable, it is most desirable as an agreement between Pirates as to interaction - with one exception.  A Captain that does his or her Due Diligence in Life and acquires their own ship may find it necessary to EMPLOY others, for which their efficacy is determined by The Captain alone.  If found lacking, The Captain may request that a crewman or crewwoman leave his or her ship; but no crew can force a Captain to surrender their property under Number Three above.

Where do ye stand?

Promenade / Re: Racist!!!
« on: October 01, 2017, 10:31:34 AM »
"Racist" as you use the term refers to those who would claim supremacy over another Pirate in matters of race and utilize denigrating epithets as verbal assaults.  This type of behavior goes against The Pirate Code and should not be tolerated in any fashion:

Third, no pirate, nor crew, however commissioned, may initiate hostilities against any other.

Civility is maintained on my ship...


Promenade / Re: Introduction
« on: September 12, 2017, 10:12:44 AM »
Hello, and Greetings!

The Viceroy of Bogota may have burned Juan, Bartolome, and I in effigy, but we were never caught...

And that fire continues to fuel my Eternal Soul, as it does countless others who are fed up with those lowly creatures who posture like men but are TYRANTS with their Societies and their codified thievery and NO HONOR!

It is the Fire of Despotism.

I have found you.

I am glad.

We HAVE a code that all with open eyes can clearly understand, and I share that code with you.

I believe together we can create and build wonderous things, sustain each other through commerce and trade, reforge the Frontiers of Tomorrow, and ready our children for the Better World we make, or ultimately venture to.


Eduardo Blomar

Spanish Arch Pirate

1679 all over again

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