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Messages - Eduardo Blomar 1679

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Escape Velocity / Re: Daily Post from The Port Of New Barcelona
« on: July 16, 2020, 06:08:17 AM »
Looking at the view count jump I know there are skallywags reading my posts.

Welcome.  ;)

Activity here started long before Sunup and it looks like you kicked an anthill.  Anticipation of Liberty has the Crew amped up (it always does) and there is singing and laughter amongst the frenzied scurry to accomplish preparations and loading of the Ship.  Communications last eve have confirmed that we will be bringing Royalty back to the Island for a couple of days for an Official Visit  :o .  Along with everything else a General Cleanup has been mandated so that The Port is presentable upon return.  That means it's also Trash Day before we can depart.  Of course that entails all rubbish, refuse, and garbage be gathered up and burned, with the ashes saved for the Garden.

Much to do, and Mainland Lassies are just waiting to give comfort to a hardworking bunch of scoundrels that have been busting ass for a fortnight.

Today has to be better than yesterday.  A foul mood hung in the air and if things could go wrong, they did.  It was topped off by high winds tearing off a portion of the roof covering I had taken so long to put on because the prevailing wind shifted direction and hit the side that wasn't fully attached yet.  I was just going to Evening Mess when it happened, and it took me another hour to batten it down.  Arrr.

I best get hopping myself.  Each day is a Blessing from God and to honor that every minute must be made to count.


EB 1679

Escape Velocity / Re: Daily Post from The Port Of New Barcelona
« on: July 15, 2020, 05:36:57 AM »
Thank God.

There was only a couple dozen bugs to contend with, and sleep wasn't interrupted last night.  Hopefully that nightmare is over until this time next year.  By then domiciles should be properly sealed after the Winter Closing this fall.

I was tightening up the head on a sledgehammer and hit my hand with a hammer.  OW! It didn't seem that bad yesterday and I finished out work ok, but it sure hurt like hell this morning, and actually woke me up early.  I took some aspirin and went back to bed.  When I got up it was still tender, but didn't hurt so bad, and the swelling had gone down.  It's difficult being triple up on Safety when working but it's necessary being out here without a proper Doctor.

Never got the walls moved for the kitchen, but instead got quite a bit done on the Root Cellar.  The Ship Cat Lucky has discovered the cool rock at the bottom of the hole, and has taken to napping down there during the hot part of the day.  Smart!

Wind continues and plans have been drawn up for power generation from it.  We have the alternators and pulleys but Smithy says we need a certain gearbox to transfer the torque into RPMs and will have to obtain one on our next foray.  The roof covering has to be completed before we get hit by rain but the wind makes it almost impossible to handle 4x8 plywood panels up there without taking a sail!   No Doctor, remember?

We are low on water and will be departing for the Mainland tomorrow instead of Friday.  

Anyone following my chronicles here of the Port development please pray for our safe journey, and a safe return.  We are all devout Christians and believe in The Power of Prayer.


EB 1679

Escape Velocity / Re: Daily Post from The Port Of New Barcelona
« on: July 14, 2020, 05:06:10 AM »
For the last two days we have been inundated by a small, flying bug that resembles what hatches out when you don't protect flour.Tthey come out just before Sundown (in the hundreds) and persist until midmorning of the next day, when they die out.  I hope it doesn't last much longer as it has taken a considerable amount of time to clear the room one is to sleep in and it's costing sleep time.

I finished the roof to extend the kitchen and will be moving walls today.  Never got to even start the stairs, but it looks like where I want it a spiral staircase will work well and look good too.

Three times this week it looked like we might get rain, but each time it went around us and the cistern is almost empty.  Monsoon my ass.  Rain would be so much simpler than making a run to haul water from the nearby island with a freshwater lake.

Preparations to attend the Jackalope Festival are on the mind as it is two weeks away.  Fortune smiles on us as we are less than fifty nautical miles from Baca Meadows and I can't wait to see old friends again.

Another Day In Paradise,

EB 1679

Escape Velocity / Re: Daily Post from The Port Of New Barcelona
« on: July 11, 2020, 09:38:19 AM »
No day at The Port is more treasured than The Sabbath.

God knows I couldn't survive this task without a Day of Rest and Reflection each week.

May you be as blessed as I am to know Him.

EB 1679

Escape Velocity / Re: Daily Post from The Port Of New Barcelona
« on: July 10, 2020, 08:18:54 AM »
A light, cool breeze just after sundown was the most pleasant setting for rest last evening.  Satisfaction from another full day of construction fed my appetite and I ate an extra portion of chicken and wild rice soup.  I switched the bedding from winter to summer cloth and was vastly more comfortable, and I slept in until well after sunup.

Problems with the generator was found to simply be an automatic shutoff switch when the oil level gets low.

Facepalm.  :lol:

Today I tackle "stairs".  Straight or spiral?  

EB 1679

Escape Velocity / Re: Daily Post from The Port Of New Barcelona
« on: July 08, 2020, 04:24:49 AM »
Home once again.

Rumors of "Civil War" moved the Crew to pitch in and purchase a Brass Cannon, Balls, and Powder for the Tower overlooking the Harbor before returning.  A Cadre was selected to review security measures for The Port and make changes wherever necessary.

We also got rid of all our paper before returning, and converted it all into silver.  Not only do we not trust any paper issued by any 'Realm', thought of stamping our own coin in silver with The Jolly Roger on it to use as currency tickled every last one of us.  Blacksmith said "No problem - just give me the metal and the image you want on it!"

Coming soon.

EB 1679

Escape Velocity / Re: Daily Post from The Port Of New Barcelona
« on: July 06, 2020, 08:06:12 AM »
Hard labor must be reinforced with proper rest and recreation.  


We set sail for The Mainland and took Liberty in Phoenix for the Independence Day Celebration.

Met and broke bread with other Pirates and are taking an extra day to laze about before we return to Home Port.  

This trip was also needed to resupply the water cache as we still haven't determined if our well is going to pan out or not.  In excavating the hole we hit a rock shelf that must be cut because of the size of the piece.  That will happen this week.  Even if the well doesn't pan out, we will have one hell of a hole for a Root Cellar, and I will build The Bunkhouse (with a big Community Kitchen) over that site.

My First Mate is a gambler so I have agreed to accompany him to The Casino to try our luck.  I have no gold but I do have some silver so I will see if I can't remedy that situation.  A good win would supply me with more lumber before we return.  Can't get enough building materials at this point.  That's the beauty of visiting a Big City - they discard perfectly good materials in vast quantities.  It's just taking the time and travelling to collect it all up - and it's FREE.  A Pirate can't ask for better.

We need more Crew!

We have enough rock excavated to begin constructing The Lighthouse but everyone has a full work order list so that project is on hold for now.  Nobody has touched the roads for a week and we still have no animal enclosures yet.  I WANT FRESH EGGS.  A chicken coop is DEFINITELY on order for this month if I have to drop everything and build it myself (as usual).  Canned meat is good and tasty, but getting old.

I pray you had a good Holiday and hope for someone reading this to reply someday  :lol: ,

EB 1679

Escape Velocity / Re: Daily Post from The Port Of New Barcelona
« on: July 04, 2020, 10:39:47 AM »
If you only knew.

Escape Velocity / Re: Daily Post from The Port Of New Barcelona
« on: July 02, 2020, 05:21:25 AM »
Arrrr... ow!

I feel good about the amount of work completed in the last two days but my fingers hurt again.  My Father had arthritis and I fear I may follow in his footsteps.

Thank God for aspirin.

That and a Day of Rest that I look forward to more and more each week.  Lord knows the value of The Sabbath and so do I - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

I anticipated the temperature drop and have a nice fire going this morning, and chose tea instead of coffee for a change.  Rain chance has dropped to 20% (which means I WILL get some) but that's ok since I have a new roof and I should have Storage sealed by midmorning.  

Paradise is not so much a specific location but more a frame of mind.  God has given me this place and there is no other nowhere I'd rather be.

I'm already there.

EB 1679

Food & Water / Field Nutrition & Supplements
« on: June 30, 2020, 08:52:55 AM »
Iodides are important.

So important it is added into most table salts.  I do not salt my foods and do not get anywhere near enough fresh greens until our crops begin to come in.  I purchased some and use it daily - along with other items to 'supplement' my diet in order to fill in the blanks (of which there are many) in an attempt to not only live healthy and longer, but to boost my immune system during a Global Pandemic threat.  I say threat because other than LameStreamMedia and Goobermint shit-stirring, I have NO solid proof of the existence of any malady whatsoever.  I know no individual personally who has ever exhibited any symptoms of any viruses or that know anyone that has - much less than anyone actually being hospitalized or - God forbid - dying.

Hell, I haven't run into anyone that has had a cold, sniffles, sneezing, or ANYTHING.  Granted, I am isolated way out here - but I still have contact and go out and obtain necessities and travel and get gas.  I don't know about you, but I haven't even heard another human sneeze this year!

That said, I would like to share some of what I have learned in a serious attempt to support my human body best as I can in a situation where my diet is far from ideal.

Vitamin C

#1 necessity and probably the greatest benefit.  Readily available in citrus.  Remember #1 thing about Vitamin C: You can't get enough.  Unless it is administered via IV you could ingest any form of it all day long but still not have high enough levels to be considered "medicine" against a malady.  It is important mostly as a benefit COMBINED with the other nutrients as an overall boost to the immune system, but the complexity is in the variety of items utilized at the same time, or in timed combination due to contrainteractions.

Vitamin D3/Sunlight

Most Pirates get plenty of sunlight so additional D3 in the diet isn't necessary, unless a higher level is desired due to environmental dangers.  It combined with C is the best start to increased immunity.


What Zinc does is prevent any invader virus from being able to reproduce in the human cell.  High levels are critical for antiviral action.  The main important factor involved in attempting to add zinc into the mix is that Vitamin C can inhibit the absorption of Zinc into the system.  For this reason, I start my C intake when I get up in the morning and take it periodically up until about 3 pm, and I take my zinc (I use lozenges) after dinner (needs to be taken with food).


Legendary herb known to boost the immune system.


I can't sing the health benefits of honey enough.  Try adding a tablespoon a day into your routine and you'll be amazed after a while at the subtle differences in life you will notice.

Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

Best snacks on the planet.  There was a reason it was always said "An apple a day keeps the Doctor away!"  Bananas (BIG source of potassium) will stop leg cramps.

Pure, Clean WATER without fluoride

Unless you are saying "but I drink water all day long" you don't drink enough.  Work on that and you'll feel better right away.

In addition to the above I also personally take Selenium, K2, CoQ10, Dandelion Root, Turmeric/Circumin, fish oil (lowers blood pressure), Glucosamine with MSM (Joint Health), and periodic Acidophilus to aid in digestion.

I hope this helps you at least think about living healthier.  No one will take as good care of you AS YOU CAN!

Eduardo Blomar 1679

Escape Velocity / Re: Daily Post from The Port Of New Barcelona
« on: June 30, 2020, 07:55:15 AM »
Finally - a day with little to no wind.

With 30% chance of rain Thursday & Friday and no wind to deter me I think I will refurbish the roof.  I had two leaks last time and want to address them.

I also have the plywood & lumber needed to put a cover between the residence and storage, giving me another sixty or so square feet to work under when it does rain - plus the shade factor.  That side of the residence won't heat up in the afternoon anymore.

What a beautiful day.

EB 1679

Escape Velocity / Re: Daily Post from The Port Of New Barcelona
« on: June 29, 2020, 12:36:20 PM »
A short 1 hour run across to a neighboring tree-laden island gained us the lumber needed to finish Storage - plus some slats that look to be perfect for stairs leading to the Observation Post.  Also scored some fresh meat and dinner will be a feast tonight!

Always a plate here for you,

EB 1678

Escape Velocity / Re: Daily Post from The Port Of New Barcelona
« on: June 28, 2020, 12:57:58 PM »
Wind is blustery enough it makes it difficult to work with plywood today.  Quitting that project early as I need some more 2x4s anyway to frame the Storage Building Back Door.

I have receipts to search for and other assorted inside duties I can occupy my time with and don't feel like digging rocks out of the road anyways.


These posts are beginning to feel like notes in a bottle - tossed into the riptide...

EB 1679

Escape Velocity / Re: Daily Post from The Port Of New Barcelona
« on: June 27, 2020, 08:01:19 AM »
The Crew is aghast at the fear being exhibited in The World from the Black Plague Chinese Communist Coronavirus.  Supplies were limited and many ports were closed altogether.  It was voted that we double up on all provisions we could obtain and we are safely home once again.  Very little wind damage this time as we are told it was fairly mild windwise but that made it hot.  

Got to meet up with fellow Pirate Oyate and break bread with him on the way back.  He says efforts at his Home Port in Ash Fork, Arizona are coming along nicely.  He had the luxury to start with a shipping container and has a door and window put in now.  Must be nice.  He likes it except the metal shields his communication devices from operating inside.  I'm happy with my Wooden Ship.

It looks like conditions here are brutal to plants brought in so far due to the clarity of the air and the altitude.  I'm still working on infrastructure and dealing with closed County offices and hadn't planned on planting any seeds other than shade trees until next spring.  I hope they do better that the drooping plants we have going now.  They are the second set of 'test plants' because almost everything I brought up to begin with is long dead.  Next step is putting 40% shade cloth over them.  I'll let you know.

Found a man in Flagstaff that sold me a 10 oz bar of silver for $220.  Best price I've been able to find.  Wouldn't mind getting ten more...

I like my bunk on board ship but it's nice to be at Home Port.  I sleep better when not tossing with the Sea.

I pray your health is good.  We piled on the citrus for the Vitamin C and have plenty of D3 and zinc.  Keep your immune system boosted and eat well.

Practice with that cutlass!


EB 1679

Escape Velocity / Re: Daily Post from The Port Of New Barcelona
« on: June 22, 2020, 05:59:00 AM »
Rough seas and lack of connectivity prevented me from posting until my return here at Home Port.

The docks need an upgrade as we received damage upon entrance.  Minor repairs have us seaworthy again at first light.  The Crew was so tired after unloading we knocked off and left it for Monday.

Severe winds smashed another window while we were gone.  I'm doing another plywood run tomorrow so I will have to add that to the list.  I want to get the Storage enclosed 100% before the rains come as "Monsoon Season" officially started last Monday.  None in sight yet but I know it's coming.

I have a lot of scheduled work for this week so I better get to it.

Thanks for all the enthusiastic support! (sarc)

EB 1679

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